EE help!


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Northeastern Michigan
So here goes another post. I was 99% positive that this guy was a rooster…now I’m doubting myself.
Its comb came in red faster then the other EE it does silly little dances, and the tail feathers seemed rooster-e. But now its comb hasn’t grown for weeks, no waddles (that’s what the things on the chin are called right), the silliness remains, but the tail feathers have remained the same and look more like the other EE hens tails, slightly longer maybe,and its smaller then the other EEs. Also the confirmed roosters have started getting into fights and trying to crow but nothing from this one. So are there any EE experts out there who can help me out, I would be very grateful.


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Just not sure from those pictures... I'm looking for hackle feathers. I have heard that a lot of EE roos develop red feathering around the shoulders. How old? I am pretty sure my EE "Rusty" is a boy now that the pointy hackle feathers are starting to show.



edit: OK, beg your pardon - I learned the term hackle from a fly tying class. Chicken keepers call them saddle feathers and hackles are reserved for the cape.
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They could be twins they do look alike don't they I hope they're very different looking where it counts. The only real difference between the two is in the tail your roo has a little more curl in his tail. Thanks everyone whos given an opinion so far, and thanks for posting your chicken pics they are all very nice looking roos

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