Okay, I see a lot of posts that Easter Eggers don't lay into 20, 24, or more weeks. So, I found an egg in the EE pen, they are just shy of 17 weeks. Born last few days of April. The egg is pinkish tan, long and skinny and has different texture than my light brahma, bantums, and production reds in the other coop. Is this really the start of laying in these 22 girls (out of 25 pullets, got 22, the rest are cockerals). We don't have next boxes up, but I am so shocked to get an egg so early. Is this normal? I don't know if any have given up an egg yet today. By the way, some are "red faced" but I have seen no squatting in the group.
ps - I am pleased, but surprised. Got to get those nest boxes up this weekend.
ps - I am pleased, but surprised. Got to get those nest boxes up this weekend.