In the Brooder
Hi, I have 4 hens. Three are 37 weeks old (EE, BO, & RIR) and one RIR who will be 3 yrs in spring. My older RIR is top hen with my EE in 2nd, but usually trying to get in 1st (she was 1st before I got older RIR in 8/15). The last week & a half my EE seems "off". She seems to be eating food & treats last, walking away. She has always roosted 1st or 2nd, now 3rd or 4th. She hasn't laid an egg in a couple of weeks and was much slower laying for a while before that. I have also noticed her smaller downy feathers in the coop & run. I know all of these can be explained individually (pecking order changes, daylight changes & molting) but I can't figure them together. The only way to really describe her is to say that she isn't herself. They all eat organic feed with an added omega egg supplement. They get mealworms, oats and fresh veggies for occasional treats. The only thing new is cracked corn & sunflower seeds (non-organic) before bedtime on cold nights for 2 weeks now. Please, any help with my girl will be appreciated! Thanks.