EE or Araucana??


8 Years
Jun 25, 2011
Ok I am a little confused. I have been doing some reading on here..(ok a LOT of reading on here) and now I am concerned that I don't have Araucana like what I was told, but have EE's instead. Not that I would really mind, but I would like to plan my marketing strategy either way. Can anyone help me out from a couple of chick pictures? PLEASE PLEASE!!??!!



Opinions please....
All Easter Eggers.

With Araucanas, here's some good tips to ALWAYS follow:

Hatcheries and feedstores don't sell them, no matter what they say.

Araucanas don't have tails in the US except faulty ones.

Araucanas don't have beards/fluffy cheeks in the US.
Wow, I feel really dumb, cuz I thought Aracaunas and EE's were one and the same (just different terminology). hmmmmm. Do they both lay colored eggs? We got 4 baby "aracauna" chicks back in March from a feed store and they are starting to lay blue eggs. Are they really EE's? (I don't really care one way or the other - as I love them all!)
My thoughts exactly!! then I did some reading on here and then hit the net for even more.

Thanks everyone!! I really appreciate it.
Here are a couple araucana pics to feast your eyes on.

Harley and his girls ( check out his tufts)

Queen of Sheba ( no tufts but has a nice little rumpless shape)

Henry the 8th ( georgous tufts)

Here is a two month old Araucana roo showing the beginnings of a tufts

Princess Di

Hope you enjoyed

WOWSERS!! Look at those cheeks!!

i don't mind that mine are ameraucanas, i actually prefer them to all look different and have tails and fuzzy cheeks
however, it is irritating to me that TSC sold them as ameraucanas. oh well, i know now.

while i prefer my easter eggers over ameraucanas, i really wish more than 1 of them would have been a hen!

oh well. i'll breed my daughter's favorite chicken (which is a rooster, of course) with our EE hen, my black australorps and light sussex, and hopefully will be raising some layers of colorful eggs next spring

i want many colors of eggs
Don't feel dumb. The hatcheries all say ameracauna when what you get are actually easter eggers 99.9% of the time but how would someone know that (that hasn't done internet searches or been reading at this board)? You can only go by what they claim to be selling. When I used to have chickens in the late 80s, early 90s the colored egg layers were all called araucanas but they had tails so obviously they weren't really araucanas or even ameracaunas.
Don't get confused as there are 3 seperate birds being mentioned here.

Araucana - have to get from a breeder, tailless, no muffs but great tuffs (cheeks)

Ameracuana - get from a breeder, has muffs, but only available in specific colors such as Wheaten, Lavendar

Easter Egger - hatchery birds, found at feed stores, TSC ect and lay all sorts of colors and feather in all sorts of patterns and colors.

All are different from the other. Please feel free to add to these descriptions, those who have, and share pictures.
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