EE's Shank an Legg color

Alabama ee

9 Years
Feb 18, 2010
For those of you with EE's, and whose Ee's are laying there any chance of predicting egg color based on shank color? I have heard that chicks with slate colored leggs that are EE's are more likely to have blue eggs. On mine, I have such a mixure of colors..all the darker chicks have slate legs. Although some of the lighter color chicks do too. There is also green, and some yellow. If you know what color egg your chicken lays, what is her shank color?
Nope. The 2 are not connected. Also EEs can lay such a range of colors that we don't have enough shank colors to match it. I've got sky blue eggs, greyish blue eggs, dirty looking grey/brown/green eggs, beige eggs, green eggs, darker green eggs.... When you mix the genes it's anybody's guess what exact shade you get. Only EEs with no brown genes mixed in will lay the sky blue eggs.

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