Egg Basket Color Fifty Years From Now Will Be:

Feathers of Eden

Feb 8, 2021
I can't help but think the immense progress in Genetic manipulation and Gene recognition and gene mapping will soon catch on with poultry world.

For example currently the scientist have been able to recognize and separate and cut a gene responsible for fluorescent color of a sea creature and transfer it to the nail or hoof of any clone animal they are reproducing. It means the clone sheep for example has a fluorescent hoof or nail to be recognized that this animal is a clone and not made via natural genetic processes.

That means in the close future they will be able to find and separate the gene responsible for some amazing color of the birds eggs and transfer it to future chicken breeds.

Have you seen the turquoise color of a Robin egg(photo) ?

Now it is scientifically possible to find and separate and transfer it to a chicken genome so the chicken would produce Robin Blue color eggs. There is scientifically or financially no reason to do that but in close future when the process gets cheaper or financially feasible some might go for it.

I think the future egg baskets may be way more colorful and varied than what we have today( which is already impressive). The wild bird eggs of this planet consists of every color you could imagine in a rainbow.

The reaction of people to these new products would be interesting. I personally would be interested to see a Turquoise egg in a basket.

What do you think?

Would you be interested to buy a purple or turquoise egger in the future?


  • robin-eggs.jpg
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I'd like it if they turned on that dormant gene for teeth that chickens carry. Now that would be something. Probably terrifying, but certainly worth seeing.

As far as colored eggs I've seen most colors, and after a while it you get used to it. At least I did, so I personally wouldn't buy a chicken for its egg color anymore., but interesting thoughts. :)
I'd like it if they turned on that dormant gene for teeth that chickens carry. Now that would be something. Probably terrifying, but certainly worth seeing.

As far as colored eggs I've seen most colors, and after a while it you get used to it. At least I did, so I personally wouldn't buy a chicken for its egg color anymore., but interesting thoughts. :)
I am fascinated by colors being in feathers of chickens or their eggs.

I was the kid that when lost in Bazar's of Iran my mother knew she would find me staring at the windows of spice shops not because of their mesmerizing scent but because of their vivacious colors.
I have a gene for appreciating colors coming from my mother.
She is able to make any color you show her by mixing three main color instinctively like what today computers do. I don't have that color making ability but I have been influenced by " Color Fascination Gene".
Teeth, yeah. I'd love those in my birds that didn't crow or go broody. I'd be too scared of everyone else

Yikes! The idea of my Java broody with teeth is terrifying. She draws blood and no one else dares handle her. (I make a fast grab for the back of her neck before I reach under her for eggs and wear both gloves and long sleeve to transfer her to the breaker).
Yikes! The idea of my Java broody with teeth is terrifying. She draws blood and no one else dares handle her. (I make a fast grab for the back of her neck before I reach under her for eggs and wear both gloves and long sleeve to transfer her to the breaker).
Imagine Ilan Musk decides to put some money on Poultry industr . Sooner than we think they will come with some battery operating chickens who charge by solar saddle they carry on their back.
Imagine Ilan Musk decides to put some money on Poultry industr . Sooner than we think they will come with some battery operating chickens who charge by solar saddle they carry on their back.

Then it would break, or explode, because that's what his stuff does.
Firefighters have to use thousands and thousands of gallons of water to put out the battery fires when those cars crash.
So just imagine how much damage a battery fire in a fake chicken could do as it runs around headless after someone mistook it for food.
Having bright blue egg layers I think the color is satisfying enough.
I would want a truly exotic egg to be bright pink with purple spots. And a metallic shimmer, cause I'm reasonable like that.
I also want the bird itself to have a peacock tail, even the hens, that they can spread open with purple metallic feathers.
Add in a particular reptile gene so the temperature of incubation controls the gender of offspring.
All reasonable requests.

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