Egg Blob


10 Years
May 10, 2011
I'm a newbie here and have a question about an egg that my hen just laid. I was shocked to discover a blob with a normal egg inside: a thin membrane with a clear mucus and once I popped the membrane there was an egg inside. The egg has gritty deposits on the outside shell. I was wondering if anyone knows why this happened.
Sometimes the girls will lay a shell-less egg. Usually, when they first start to lay, but not always. Just make sure they are getting enough calcium in their diet, such as oyster shell and the like.
b.hromada :

Sometimes the girls will lay a shell-less egg. Usually, when they first start to lay, but not always. Just make sure they are getting enough calcium in their diet, such as oyster shell and the like.

I didn't post the images until after you posted. Have you ever seen anything like this? The shell, which is hard, was encased in a clear, jelly-like substance, as can be seen in the images above.

In addition to the clear jelly, there are what appear to be calcium deposits on the hard shell.

I see what you're talking about. I myself have never seen one of my girls lay one like that. Maybe it has something to do with the ovaries releasing an egg before the one ahead of it is laid.
I'm sure someone can help you out with this, I want to know too!
The egg inside was perfect in color and all. I was wondering if anyone knows why the calcium deposit is coating the outside of these eggs?

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