Egg bound hen/Calcium doses.


Apr 30, 2022
Hi guys,
My 2 year old hen is egg bound since yesterday. The egg is stuck about 2 inches in. Fortunately it is not blocking her vent, so she is pooping, eating and drinking as normal and is showing no physical signs of distress. This query is regarding calcium doses. So I gave her 1000mgs of calcium carbonate at 5pm yesterday evening upon discovery of issue. She had another 1000mgs this morning and a 30 minute Epsom Salt bath but no joy. I was going switch it up and try 1000mgs of calcium citrate tonight spaced 12 hours from her last dose. Is this too much calcium in one day or can I go ahead and give her another? Vet is booked for tomorrow. Had to ask as haven't been in this position before re the calcium not working. Usually the first dose does the job. You ladies would know the max doses @azygous
The normal dosage of calcium is around 600 mg, and many times 300 mg per day is plenty. I think she has had more than she needs. Does it look like an egg shell or possibly lash egg material. Can you lubricate the vent wit a little oil, and place her in a warm spot on a clean towel?
The normal dosage of calcium is around 600 mg, and many times 300 mg per day is plenty. I think she has had more than she needs. Does it look like an egg shell or possibly lash egg material. Can you lubricate the vent wit a little oil, and place her in a warm spot on a clean towel?
Hi Eggcessive, thanks for quick response. Ok so enough calcium for now. The problem is the egg is about 2 inches back and I can't get behind the the layer of flesh to determine whether it's hard-shelled, soft-shelled or lash. So I can't get into where the egg is if you understand me, can only feel around it as it's covered in a layer of flesh. She has never laid lash eggs before or had Salpingitis, so I'd imagine it's either a normal egg or soft-shelled egg. Although I know lash eggs can often get stuck like that further back, so I am starting to wonder. Have lubricated her vent yes. And yes am about to put her in steam room...
When it has been 24 hours, go ahead and give another lower dose. Hopefully, she will pass it. Watch for any signs of a prolapse as well.
Ok was able to get her a vet appointment for this evening. Vet managed to get it out. He had problems getting to also, as was behind a layer of flesh as I was saying but he eventually managed to manipulate it out. The relief!!! It was a fairy egg, tiniest egg ever! Such a tiny egg to cause that big problem! But she good now thank God. Supplementing with extra calcium for now but they have an implant on reserve for her if she keeps having issues. Thank you for your help!!
How often should the warm, Epsom salt baths be? Does one give the solid Calcium tablet? Or crush/mix w/water & put into syringe? Can they have Oil of Oregano gel caps?
How often should the warm, Epsom salt baths be? Does one give the solid Calcium tablet? Or crush/mix w/water & put into syringe? Can they have Oil of Oregano gel caps?
Hi there. First thing to do is give her the calcium. Mine get 4mls of liquid calcium when egg bound and each ml equates to 240mg of calcium. So yes it's a lot but it never does them any harm and 9 times out of 10 they will pass the egg within 2-3 hours once they've had this. I think in the US you guys have Tums, so give her 2 tums. You could try hiding the tablet in a grape or blueberry and she should eat it without even knowing it's there. I put it into a gelatin capsule, get somebody to hold the hen and pop it into her mouth. Breaking the tab in half and covering it in butter is another way to get it into her. Re salt baths I usually only bathe them once because the calcium usually does the work, but you could put her in the Epsom salts for 20 or 30 minutes at a time and repeat every 2 hours if you needed to. Steam room treatment is also brilliant as the steam dilates the vent to enable them to pass the egg. For this I'll leave them in a box in the bathroom with the shower on for as long as it takes. Could be a couple of hours. Re the oregano gels caps have no idea. But she won't need oregano if she egg- bound. This usually given for infection.
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Most hens will swallow a human calcium citrate with vitamin d tablet whole. If it is large or using Tums, you can break it in two and give it. Epsom salts or warm water soaks are okay once if the chicken is healthy and not lethargic or very weak. Soaking a really weak chicken can put them over the edge. Having them sit on a warm towel in a warm humid room is a good substitute.

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