Egg Bound Hen *Update* The Egg Passed, Very Strange!

Hi Jody,

Thank you for your advice and kind words. i posted last night before i saw your note. i have read that a chicken only lays an egg once a day, and that was my experience in the past (last time i had chickens was 20 years ago, so i'm a reborn newbie). i did see somewhere on this forum (maybe it was the pictures of first eggs section) a woman whose hen spit out two weird eggs her first time. Penny's eggs came almost exactly 12 hours apart. i am sure it was her, as her only friend is only 14 weeks old, and these eggs were plopped directly under where Penny roosts. (i keep my 8-week-old silkies cooped seperately.)

i just let them out into the run and Penny seems fine. No egg this morning, but it's still early. We've just come down off a bad heat spell that lasted almost a month, and i figured that was why Penny (now at 22 weeks) had not laid yet. Maybe she is now making up for lost time? i'm going to keep the appointment i have today just so i can get to know this new vet and establish a relationship. Wouldn't hurt for Penny to get a six-month check-up either.

Thanks again for your concern. It was a great comfort yesterday to be able to reach out for help when we were so frightened. i can't believe how much i love this chicken.

Okay, one more thing. Here she is hiding with her head in my arm pit when she didn't feel good yesterday. She hadn't done this since she was a kid.
I'm so glad that she passed it, and she is BEAUTIFUL! Does she have some blue almost-lacing or is that just from the light or something? That buff and blue combination that it looks like on my screen is really neat!
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