My 14 month old Delaware Mae was not acting well this morning. I believe she laid an egg yesterday. She went into the nest box this morning and had laid clear jelly like stuff. There was very thin egg shell hanging off her butt but nothing yellow like a yolk. I rinsed her butt, fed her 400mg calcium citrate powder and a little Nutridrench in some scramble egg and wet cat food. She seemed a little perkier than earlier in the morning. I haven't checked inside of her. She is definitely moping around outside more now. I am going to bring her in and give her a soak in an Epsom salt bath. I have a few questions. Should I give her more calcium? Should I put her outside in the run in a crate? Should I keep her inside. I can keep her in the garage in a cat carrier. It's probably too cool in the house with the AC on. Anything else I should do? Thanks for much! Just some other info. I have eleven 14 month old hens and three 12 week old chicks. They free range 4-6 hours a day, eat fermented New Country Organics Grower feed, some barley grown as fodder, and some scratch thrown here and there along with some fruit/veggie/scrambled eggs/mealworm etc treats when they come in for the night.