Egg bound or ???

Kayla's Lunch

6 Years
Jun 9, 2018
My 14 month old Delaware Mae was not acting well this morning. I believe she laid an egg yesterday. She went into the nest box this morning and had laid clear jelly like stuff. There was very thin egg shell hanging off her butt but nothing yellow like a yolk. I rinsed her butt, fed her 400mg calcium citrate powder and a little Nutridrench in some scramble egg and wet cat food. She seemed a little perkier than earlier in the morning. I haven't checked inside of her. She is definitely moping around outside more now. I am going to bring her in and give her a soak in an Epsom salt bath. I have a few questions. Should I give her more calcium? Should I put her outside in the run in a crate? Should I keep her inside. I can keep her in the garage in a cat carrier. It's probably too cool in the house with the AC on. Anything else I should do? Thanks for much! Just some other info. I have eleven 14 month old hens and three 12 week old chicks. They free range 4-6 hours a day, eat fermented New Country Organics Grower feed, some barley grown as fodder, and some scratch thrown here and there along with some fruit/veggie/scrambled eggs/mealworm etc treats when they come in for the night.
Sounds like she had a soft shell egg rupture.
Yes, I would give her the calcium. Yes, I would give her the Nutri-Drench.
If she is not lethargic, then an epsom salts bath soak wont' hurt.

If she is alert, able to eat/drink on her own and it not getting picked on then I would put her back with the flock.

Hopefully this is a one time glitch, but I would keep watch on her for a few days.
How often can I give her the calcium and Nurtidrench? I watched the link you posted. I gave her olive oil. She drank it out of the spoon! She seemed to really enjoy her spa treatment. She's always been pretty friendly and curious, so coming inside for a bath is right up her alley! I do hope this is just a little glitch. However, I have at least twice found that clear jelly stuff in the nest box. Never saw anything wrong with any of the hens, though. Is there anything to prevent this from happening again? They get eggshells when I have them and oyster shell is always available. Thanks for your help!
Mae is still a little "off." We let them out to free range about 45 minutes ago. We had her in a crate in the run. She was very eager to get out. She had some interesting poops while in the crate. I'm guessing that is egg yolk and olive oil in the one poop. Then I guess she had some a little more normal. Should I give her more calcium? She has had only the 400mg earlier. She also has some of that poop stuff on her, so I will clean her up and blow her dry before putting her to roost tonight. Thanks.


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I forgot to add that she is walking around fine but is a little unsteady. If she has to go down off of something, she falls a little bit. If it is even ground, she is fine. Any idea why that is?
How often can I give her the calcium and Nurtidrench?
I would just give her the calcium once a day for a couple of days. Same with the Nutri-Drench.

The poop does look "eggy". Do you notice if she has a discharge coming from the vent that may look like egg yolk or albumen (whites)?
If the soft shell egg leaked yolk into the oviduct, that could cause infection. If you aren't opposed to antibiotics, you may want to treat her if she's not better in the morning. Amoxicillin or Baytril would be good. Baytril is not FDA approved in laying hens, so you may want to observe a withdrawal period if you decide to administer antibiotics.
I feed mine minced garlic, they love it besides what your already doing and it's natures antibiotic, lost one last week to something similar but she refused to eat anything and was gone before could get into town for any liquid antibiotic as she would drink but not eat anything so now have some powdered broad spectrum that can be put in the water on hand as I've never had an issue with soft eggs
There wasn't any discharge at all. After I gave her the second soak to clean off the poop that got on her from being in the crate without any bedding, she ate quite a bit. She was very animated and interested in what we were doing. I was going to make her sleep in the crate, but she really wanted to get out and go roost. I don't know her rank in the group exactly, but no one really pecks her and she is very sweet and doesn't peck anyone, but she is used to getting her way. So, she roosted with the others in her favorite spot!
There wasn't any discharge at all. After I gave her the second soak to clean off the poop that got on her from being in the crate without any bedding, she ate quite a bit. She was very animated and interested in what we were doing. I was going to make her sleep in the crate, but she really wanted to get out and go roost. I don't know her rank in the group exactly, but no one really pecks her and she is very sweet and doesn't peck anyone, but she is used to getting her way. So, she roosted with the others in her favorite spot!
Check on her in the a.m. It sounds like she's improved if she wanted to go roost. Sometimes there's only so much you can do. I rarely separate/isolate any of mine from the flock unless they are picked at or if the weather is really cold.

Let me know how she is tomorrow.

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