egg-bound quail


First, I want to say thank you for this site and bulletin. This is my first time posting. I can usually figure out what is wrong with my quail when there is something wrong just by reading this site.

However, this time, i am not so sure. My quail may be egg bound but I won't know until I get home to check her once more.

She has been lethargic and has been having pasty butt recently which she has never had. I have been clearing the area and her stools are not runny any longer. it still is getting caught in her feathers so I cut some of the feathers away from the area.

I don't mind doing this for her daily at all if that is what is needed. My concern now is her breathing and she is still lethargic which I thought was from the pasty butt situation. She is breathing very deeply and has been for days now. She is eating and drinking in brief spurts. This seems to make her tired. Her deep breaths are at times causing her beak to open and close for air. now I am getting worried. She is my only female Bobwhite. I don't want to lose her :'(

She is alone right now. She was in a cage with another male but we didn't want him to disturb her while she is going through this :-( She doesn't like to be alone it seems and seems to do ok when we hold her close to our chest as long as we are not checking her out or moving her too much.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


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