Egg Bound


Apr 4, 2020
Central PA
I think my astralorp is egg bound. She keeps sitting today in various places like she may be trying to lay. I gave her some watered down tums with a syringe and massaged her abdomen. Is there anything else to be done? I believe this just started today, however we were gone for a day and would not have seen anything prior. We have not gotten an egg from her for several days.
@Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive

I've tagged a couple of people who know more than I do. What I often see recommended is to soak the chicken's bum in a warm bath with some epsom salts. Also, lube up your gloved finger and reach inside her vent to see if you can feel an egg. I've also read giving her a calcium tablet will help with contractions to move the egg along, as it provides more calcium than tums.

Sending positive waves and hugs :fl :hugs for you and your girl.
I think my astralorp is egg bound. She keeps sitting today in various places like she may be trying to lay. I gave her some watered down tums with a syringe and massaged her abdomen. Is there anything else to be done? I believe this just started today, however we were gone for a day and would not have seen anything prior. We have not gotten an egg from her for several days.
How old is she?
I agree, I would feel inside the vent for an egg if you think she's egg bound.
Can she poop at all? What's that like?

Tums is fine to give if that's what you have on hand. When you feel the abdomen is there any bloat/swelling or fluid between the legs below the vent?
I've given her two Epsom salts baths this evening, massaged her abdomen and set her up in a crate in the basement. She doesn't want to eat but i. I was able to get her some tums dissolved in water given through a syringe. I don't know about a vet - I'm guessing not as we live in a suburban area. Just checked on her. She is standing and the back end is having contractions. I put a finger up with vaseline and cannot feel an egg - it must be higher up. What next? Should I do more baths tonight or let her try to pass the egg?
She' s 11 months old. She pooped a little watery yellow several hours ago - that's all.

After using the vaseline and feeling in there, a yellow discharge came out in a stream.
I've given her two Epsom salts baths this evening, massaged her abdomen and set her up in a crate in the basement. She doesn't want to eat but i. I was able to get her some tums dissolved in water given through a syringe. I don't know about a vet - I'm guessing not as we live in a suburban area. Just checked on her. She is standing and the back end is having contractions. I put a finger up with vaseline and cannot feel an egg - it must be higher up. What next? Should I do more baths tonight or let her try to pass the egg?
She' s 11 months old. She pooped a little watery yellow several hours ago - that's all.

After using the vaseline and feeling in there, a yellow discharge came out in a stream.
Her abdomen feels somewhat bloated and firm, not like the other hens which is soft and pliable.
But is she able to poop at all?

She may be having trouble with a soft shelled egg or she may be showing signs of a reproductive disorder like Internal Laying, Peritonitis, cancer, etc.

I would get calcium into her for a few days and direct dose her with poultry vitamins.
How in the world did you get a TUMS to dissolve in water! I've never been able to do that it settles out. I would get all of the tums tablet into her or you can give Caltrate.

If she's not lethargic, then the epsom salts soaks won't hurt. If she is lethargic, then placing her on a heating pad or in a steamed up bathroom would be better.
Update: I don't know what to think. No egg has passed. I kept her indoors for two nights, gave her 2 Epsom salts baths each day. No egg. She is eating a bit (oatmeal, raisins, mealworms) and pooping normally, although not as much. This morning, she looked good, I felt no egg, so I put her out with the 2 leghorns. She is pecking around, no squatting. The leghorns are bullying her a bit, so I'm keeping watch to see how the day goes.

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