Egg Bound?

Oh ariny, she may live. and I also see yellow looking yolk coming out of her vent, she may be egg bound. And as long as you can get the egg out of her (if she is egg bound) she will maybe live! And also,
Have a beautiful Leghorn, who hasnt begun laying eggs, born 5/28/12 and is acting puffed up, and listliss.. severe injury to the rear, and all kinds of juice coming out.. is this egg bound?

Will she live?
She won't live if you don't get her in a clean, warm place and get her cleaned up/out.
Read these links and do some research:

Maybe someone with more experience will comment.
ii have a hen that looks like this also- she is hanging in there but I dont know what to do with that wound? Is that an egg im looking at or what? i have read articles about going in to retrieve the egg but this swelling is way below her vent. To reach in and try to remove what's left is impossible - I would be reaching down - not up - can anybody help?

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