egg bound?


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
We have 7 males and 5 females. They are one year old this month. The females began laying eggs two months ago. They free range for approx. 4 hours daily with millet supplement. three weeks ago one female would not stand. I put her in a separate enclosure, she laid an egg then within two days was up and walking - she is doing well and back with her family. One week ago within 24 hours of each other, two more hens could not stand. Same process of separating them to a quite enclosure. They both laid two eggs but still cannot walk (five days later). They look bright and alert. They are eating and drinking. Did I read somewhere that they need more calcium? Any other recommendations to help my poor girls feel better.
Is it that they can not walk when they try, or do they choose not to walk and stay in the nest box. I ask this because I have had a few hens go broody recently. They stay in the nest box ready to sit on some eggs and some times even when I pick them up out of the nest box the chose just to sit there. they tend to puff up and make a make a different sound when they are touched. eventually the do get up and walk around take a quick drink and some food and go right back to the nest box. Hmm, if they are eating and drinking without getting up this may not be the explanation.
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Yes your Guinea Hens need supplemental calcium, or they have to pull it from their bodies. They should be offered a layer feed AND oyster shell free choice(ASAP), but especially thru the entire laying season (Spring thru Fall). I also provide a flake of fine stem leafy alfalfa hay in all my coops.

Millet is a treat, like candy. There's not much nutritional value in it.
Thank you very much - One of my girls is up and running. The other is close behind! I did not know millet did not offer nutrional value - feel like a bad mom...... I am on it!

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