

10 Years
Dec 22, 2009
West England
So I wasn't all that sure where to post it, so i figured this would be okay here to post...
Ebony went broody.. and now she's sitting on eggs... and i hope they are fertile..

It's so cute to see her, she goes "Brrrrawwwrrr" at you

I feel like a little kid but i'm excited xD
At the moment, she'd sitting on 3 eggs... no to sure which is which really, two are hers... not sure if the rooster has even, "Ahemed" her. But he certainly tries the other too... Lu-lu has two there, but i'm not sure if he's big enough to manage "Aheming" her... so it may all rest in one egg of betsy's... But she's to small to lay every day xD
Still, i am excited and will post again soon, day three of her sitting on eggs (Earliy morning)
I will probably let her have two or three more, but thats it... she will need to warm them xD
Pilkie power

Tottie + Ebony = Pilkie (Half silkie half pekin (Frizzle) (they're pilkies yay
Tottie + Lu-lu - Pilkie... (3/4 silkie, 1/4 pekin, still a pilkie...)
Tottie + Betsy = Pilkie (1/4 silkie 3/4 Pekin)
I love my excitement...

Am i mad?

So adding pictures when i get up... meaning i should go to bed first
my dads looking for incubators as a precaution... aparently she'll say sopme profanities in chickenlish wish translate as stuff this im bored now.... and then we'll have embryos

I saw some videos on utube and i saw someone had peelied the shell away but left the film to watch the embryo, i have no intention of trying but would it have lived or died? anyone?
We call my little broody pullet, "Little Mama". She is a light brown dutch. She hasn't had a chance to hatch some chicks yet though. We just don't have any for her.
But she still tries to hatch that plastic inspiration egg that's in the nesting box.

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