Egg Color


10 Years
Jun 13, 2009
New York
I have an odd question, is there a chicken who lays a purple egg (even if it is just purpleish tint) ?
My husband likes to see how many diffrent color eggs he can get, how many colors are there? We have light brown, dark brown, reddish brown, pink, blue, green, cream color and of course white.
I have never heard of a purple chicken egg....but that WOULD be neat!! And if there is a chicken that does that, I WANT IT!
Ok I think I am starting to understand color traits, like how to get a blue and splash etc. Also I got there are certian traits that will cause an egg not to hatch, or the chick to expire early on such as short genes, I even get breeding 2 frizzles result in unwanted brittle feathering, but can someone explain to me egg color?

If the chickens are 2 diffrent breeds what egg color does the baby lay?
The color of the mothers eggs or the fathers eggs?
Can I change egg color by breeding 2 diffrent egg colors?

Also if you breed a bantam with Standred (I know this can be hard/harmful to banty with standred being so much bigger) is the baby a bantam or standred sized?

Sorry if I am confusing anyone, I am a bit confused myself when it comes to all the gentics involoved in breeding.

How many egg colors are there?
Those are very good questions and Im also curious to hear what others say on EEs are laying light greenish blue eyes...I have two...then I have Marans *I think*...cause Im getting Dark dark choc. eggs and also dark brown eggs, and a cream color egg.

my layers are:
2 EEs
1 "maybe" splash maran...?
1 "maybe" blue maran...?

and 3 RIRs...I know they are this breed but not sure on the others. Nobody can tell me for sure.

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