
Jul 23, 2016
Hello, helpful friends!
Was wondering your opinion on my duck eggs' coloring. They are towards the end, haven't changed in a few days (possibly drawing back before hatching), and are turning a kind of gray shade in a few small places (not the air sac). OPINIONS?
Thanks in advance.
Can you post a picture? They COULD be going bad, or the dark spots could be where they are trying to pip. You might want to do a quick smell check to see if they smell bad as that would give you a quick answer. ;) When are they due to hatch? Were they shipped? If they were shipped there is a higher probability of them being malpositioned inside, which can cause them to try to pip in areas outside of the air cell (which can cause a dark spot to appear on the egg shell).
Can you post a picture? They COULD be going bad, or the dark spots could be where they are trying to pip. You might want to do a quick smell check to see if they smell bad as that would give you a quick answer. ;) When are they due to hatch? Were they shipped? If they were shipped there is a higher probability of them being malpositioned inside, which can cause them to try to pip in areas outside of the air cell (which can cause a dark spot to appear on the egg shell). 

I do not have a picture yet. I will try to get one later. They do not smell bad, were not shipped, and should hatch anytime (last time I checked they had not internally pipped). Maybe a better way to put it is that where the duck sits the egg seems a shade darker.
I do not have a picture yet. I will try to get one later. They do not smell bad, were not shipped, and should hatch anytime (last time I checked they had not internally pipped). Maybe a better way to put it is that where the duck sits the egg seems a shade darker.

Ah, ok! These are being incubated by mom, then? Maybe they are just getting dirty from her? I don't know, sounds a little weird but hard to visualize things sometimes. Get a pic if you can, and maybe candle them real quick while you are there just so you know where they're at and how they're doing. :)
Ah, ok! These are being incubated by mom, then? Maybe they are just getting dirty from her? I don't know, sounds a little weird but hard to visualize things sometimes. Get a pic if you can, and maybe candle them real quick while you are there just so you know where they're at and how they're doing. :) 

These were incubated by mamma duck until she was scared off by predators (new duck mom alert!). I think you misinterpreted what I meant; where the duck sits in the egg is a bit darker. Quick candle points to no internal pips yet. Another smell check: nothing.
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@Orca5094 here's a pic!
Thanks for the pic! Ok, did you candle them, are they still alive in there? Because they honestly look like they may have died and are rotting in there. :/ That's the only time I've seen eggs like that, unfortunately.

These were incubated by mamma duck until she was scared off by predators (new duck mom alert!). I think you misinterpreted what I meant; where the duck sits in the egg is a bit darker. Quick candle points to no internal pips yet. Another smell check: nothing.

And yes, I misinterpreted what you meant. Sorry! I get it now with the pic. ;)
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Thanks for the pic! Ok, did you candle them, are they still alive in there? Because they honestly look like they may have died and are rotting in there. :/ That's the only time I've seen eggs like that, unfortunately. 

And yes, I misinterpreted what you meant. Sorry! I get it now with the pic. ;) 

No problem. I'm really not sure. I thought I saw movement during a brief float test but I'm not 100%. I've also read instances where eggs like that turned out fine and some didn't. Not quite sure...
Ok, well as long as they don't smell bad it wouldn't hurt to keep them in a little longer to be sure. I really feel they have died in there, but sometimes eggs do crazy things. This is why I avoid saying anything for sure when it comes to eggs and incubation. Sometimes they can really surprise you.

Are these the only 3 eggs, or are there more that are not discolored? I would just be mentally prepared for these 3 to not hatch out, just in case. ;) Please let us know what happens!
Ok, well as long as they don't smell bad it wouldn't hurt to keep them in a little longer to be sure. I really feel they have died in there, but sometimes eggs do crazy things. This is why I avoid saying anything for sure when it comes to eggs and incubation. Sometimes they can really surprise you.

Are these the only 3 eggs, or are there more that are not discolored? I would just be mentally prepared for these 3 to not hatch out, just in case. ;) Please let us know what happens! 

Yes, only three eggs. Already prepared for nothing but, I suppose we will see. Thank you for your help and will do!

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