Egg disappeared from under broody hen

So what do you mean by rat issues? Will a rat take one egg at a time. Ive bever seen any droppings hiw can i stop it. I have 2 broody silkies sitting on 8 eggs 3 eggs have disappeared in 4 days. I have never seen signs if a rat. Anyway i can protect the eggs left? I bought these sikkie eggs. Thanks
You're going to have to make your coop rat proof, or put those broodies in a rat proof cage. 1/2" hardware cloth. Rats are incredible chewers, and both rats and mice can squeeze through holes much smaller than you'd ever think they could.
You're going to have to make your coop rat proof, or put those broodies in a rat proof cage. 1/2" hardware cloth. Rats are incredible chewers, and both rats and mice can squeeze through holes much smaller than you'd ever think they could.


My broody hens do best in a cage that has small hardware cloth and prevents predators from getting in. Rats are good at hiding and you are likely not to notice them coming in to steal the eggs or chicks.
I've been having the same problem. Two broodies and eggs disappearing one by one. I set up a bucket trap in my feed shed (connected to the coop) and caught 8 mice in it last night! I hadn't seen any sign of mice since I set up the bucket trap when we moved in to our house 2 years ago, but they're obviously here. Bummer. I hate mice and rats!
A 5 gallon bucket, about 1\3 filled with water and enough sunflower seeds to cover the surface of the water. Provide an access ramp, mice jump in thinking its a bucket full of seeds and don't come out.

I wouldn't leave it out where the chickens can access it, but its easy enough to set it out at night when you close the coop and put it away in the morning when you open. I have way too many animals to use poison or snap traps, the bucket does a good job.

Good luck!
A 5 gallon bucket, about 1\3 filled with water and enough sunflower seeds to cover the surface of the water. Provide an access ramp, mice jump in thinking its a bucket full of seeds and don't come out.

I wouldn't leave it out where the chickens can access it, but its easy enough to set it out at night when you close the coop and put it away in the morning when you open. I have way too many animals to use poison or snap traps, the bucket does a good job.

Good luck!
I've tried the bucket with water and a soda can to spin on a wire, with peanut butter on the can. No takers. I like the sunflower seed idea. I can see how a little Mickey might think he'd struck gold with that! Does it work with rats???

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