Hi I need help! I have figured out that half my flock has eggdrop disease.From formerly healthy hens that all laid an egg a day I get 2 eggs from 8 hens. Although they generally appear healthy(bright combs,good weight,eating and drinking)there are a few that have missing or broken feathers. One appears to be going bald?! Also,some have diarrehea and or dirty vents. Unwittingly I encouraged a duck couple to hang out and eat the chickens leftovers. I did not know about this disease then. My question is how does one go about getting rid of this disease? Also, half of my flock (I keep them separate with their own rooster) has grown and needs more space. I want to take the fence down and let the two currently separated flocks,mingle. Next question: will the now healthy flock get this disease. Should I continue to keep them separated. I would appreciate any help or ideas with this. Thanks