egg eater


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 13, 2008
what do I do with a hen that eats eggs? I have 4 hens and consistently got 3 eggs a day. So today I am outside while my oven is doing it's thing and cleaning and I am in and out of the coop. So one of my Wyandottes is kinda standing in the box and turning around and kinda acting goofy. I picker her up and low and behold she had her egg and it was just about gone:thun I am so mad at her what do I do?
Sory to here about that.
We have had that problem before. But it was a rooster that was doing it! :mad: He would sit in the nest when the hen left and peck the egg! He usually only made cracks in it and every time we collected the eggs, one would have a crack in it with some oozy mess coming out.

Not sure what to do... good luck!
You could get or make some of those nest boxes that have a seperate part for the egg to roll into, so the hen can't get to it. I don't think there is anyway to make them stop doing it.
I'm new at this stuff too, but some of the advice others have given is:
Watch more closely and try to get egg before hen does.
Put fake eggs(re: wooden) in nests and if she happens to peck at wood ones she'll get discouraged.
Invite neighbors over for fried chicken dinner!

And maybe there is a vitamin or mineral deficiency?
Do you supplement oyster shell?
You could sell her to a pet home only. Be honest about the egg eating problem.

Or have fried chicken.
aww don't eat her!!!
Poor hen is probably not getting enough calcium or something!!! It's not because she's dumb or anything!(like most people say)
How about instead of killing her, why don't YOU try and fix the problem?!

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