Egg Explosion on Hatch Day


In the Brooder
Jan 22, 2016
Hi everyone! I’ve been hatching for a few years now and have not had this problem before.

I have a batch of Black Copper Marans eggs in the incubator and today is hatch day! I just checked on the eggs and saw that one is pipped. However, I also smelled a foul odor and can see that one egg seems to be leaking something. Should I let it be since I can see a pipped egg or will leaving it effect the others hatching? It just so happens to be directly next to the pipped egg. I worry that it will create an even bigger mess if/when the chicks bump into it
Take it out! It could seriously comprise your hatch by leaking bacteria everywhere/ exploding. Have a spray bottle with you and mist into the incubator when you are done removing the egg. that should keep the humidity up.
Remove ASAP ... Fast in an out won't affect your hatch. When it explodes it will contaminate the rest of your eggs & the incubator will not be fun to clean. When you remove put in a plastic bag & that in another & dispose ASAP. I've had a goose egg explode, not fun at all :he
If you have the means to move the incubator to the bathroom (or any room where you can jack up the humidity) I would Run the shower on hot water with the door closed until the mirror is good an fogged up. At a Space heater if you have it then move the incubator to a very humid steamy bathroom and open it there, find a safe place to put the eggs in the bathroom like a cooler or something, then clean the incubator. Not sure if you have the means to do that but that is what I would do in that situation. Terrible time to have this happen. I am no expert on if this would make it worse or not so if someone with more experience says its a bad idea I would suggest listening to them.

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