Egg laying age and their face color?.....


7 Years
Oct 23, 2012
Rutherfordton NC
Does the color of the hens face (the red part) determine how old they are and when they will be ready to lay eggs; they are barred rocks? Mine look a little pink around the face still and wasnt told how old they were when we got them.... Thanks

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my hen is 22 weeks and comb etc as turned bright red , she has been squatting for a few days and today there was a load noise coming out of the dog kennel YES THE DOG KENNEL lol it was my hen laying her first egg and it is massive

WOW! That is a whopper!!! I seen them squatting on the ground today but I think that is just because its cold and windy out. I was under the assumption they was 5 months old so maybe here soon. Hopefully.......
WOW! That is a whopper!!! I seen them squatting on the ground today but I think that is just because its cold and windy out. I was under the assumption they was 5 months old so maybe here soon. Hopefully......
i think you might find it is squatting not the wind , i think after you see them squat can be between 5 days and 2 weeks to first lay . keep a close eye on them as i think they can lay any where as mine did in the dogs kennel lol
for you . i will let you know if i get an egg tomorrow
i think you might find it is squatting not the wind , i think after you see them squat can be between 5 days and 2 weeks to first lay . keep a close eye on them as i think they can lay any where as mine did in the dogs kennel lol
for you . i will let you know if i get an egg tomorrow

Several of them just seem to be all "bundled up" and low to the ground....Idk.........we will see. I hope there is something in there soon lol

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