Egg laying cockrel?!

this is very weird.
it's either:
  1. A prank being pulled by friends\family, sneaking eggs in at night
  2. a hen or wild bird has found a way into the coop and is laying eggs there
  3. your rooster has male and female genes, very rare.
Put a webcam in the coop so you can find out what's happening.

answer these truthfully:
  • Do you live alone?
  • does the enclosure have a roof? send pics of setup.
  • Does the rooster crow? Does he act like a hen?
4. The OP is trying to prank us.
I am raising a cockerel for a friend and he is kept separate no hen is near him and its a confirmed him he has pointy saddle feathers and has spurs and the rounded tail feathers the other day i found an egg in his little coop so is he laying???!! he wont squat for me and he crows ive seen him crow and heard him i dont give him layer feed i give him grains and no hen has been near him so what is this
I always thought that hens lay eggs. But Im not a scientist.:confused::jumpy With that being said when my rooster died at age 10 years. The following days after I could hear my hens crowing. As if to acknowledge the passing of there grand old leader. I actually went out side to see if maybe there was a rooster out there. But no they were crowing. :confused:
here he is
Do you have other chickens? Or could someone be messing with you? Or maybe something is stealing your eggs and putting them in there to hide them? Just being creative. To bad you don’t have a web cam you could put out there. Might answer some questions.🐔🤔
here he is
That rooster belongs to these people:

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