Egg laying on roost?


Jun 10, 2020
Hello! I have one Speckled Sussex hen that is 22 weeks old. She has just started laying. So far she laid a soft shelled egg two days ago and a hard shelled egg this morning. Both times, she laid her egg while standing on their sleeping roost and it fell down and broke. Have any of your hens ever done this? Is there anything I can do to encourage her to at least lay while she’s on the ground, if she won’t lay in a nesting box? Will she figure this out on her own? She’ll sit in the nest box after she’s done. Her smashed eggs are in the jar in the egg photo and the other photo is Dottie sitting in the nesting box.


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If she just started to lay, it is not uncommon for them to be taken off guard by the egg laying process. They don't quite yet know what's going on with them. She'll get the hang of things in due time.
I have a multi-generational flock and still on occasion have someone drop an egg off the roost.
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