Egg laying question


Feb 29, 2020
Central Arkansas
This might seem like a really dumb question but do your ducks lay eggs year round? Or do they only lay in the spring? I got 5 ducks last fall (4 females, 1 drake). They laid a ton of eggs in the spring and early summer and then stopped laying. All 4 females are around 15-18 months old. None of them have laid an egg in almost 6 months. Is that normal?

They have access to free choice duck pellets all the time. They also get some rolled oats each day. I let them free range on the pond several times a week so I'm pretty sure they are getting bugs, etc. They all seem to be a good weight.

If this isn't normal, what could be stopping them from laying?
I have 2 Pekins and 2 Silver Appleyards. I'm not at all surprised that they would have a period of rest. I just didn't expect that it would be 6 months or longer. I suppose that could make sense though... It would make sense for ducks to have babies in the spring or early summer. Not in the fall or winter. I'm assuming they would only produce eggs for optimal breeding and baby making.... 😂
Have you checked for rats or possibly snakes? Maybe something is eating their eggs? Any issues with predators?
What feed do they get?
6 months seems like a long time for them to stop laying eggs. Both breeds mentioned are relatively good egg layers.
Have you checked for rats or possibly snakes? Maybe something is eating their eggs? Any issues with predators?
What feed do they get?
6 months seems like a long time for them to stop laying eggs. Both breeds mentioned are relatively good egg layers.

No snakes for sure. I imagine rats are possible but I've never seen one around their coop. I have seen them in my barn which is nearby. However, I've never seen any shell remnants or anything that I would expect to be left behind in an egg were eaten inside the coop.

I haven't had any issues with predators since I installed nets over the top of the runs. Outside of the potential rat, I don't think anything is getting in... Definitely no coons, possums, foxes, etc.

I feed them Purina duck pellets mostly, along with a bit of rolled oats and chicken layer pellets. The chicken lay pellets is mostly there because I have some hens who hop the fence between their run and the ducks run to raid the feed.

I usually feed around 7:30 or 8 am every day. The ducks will scarf down some pellets for a few minutes and then head to their pond, if I let them out for the day to free range. They will typically free range around their pond until early afternoon and then head back to their pen to eat more pellets. If I don't let them out, they simply eat off and on throughout the day.

I don't know enough about ducks to know if going 6 months without laying is abnormal... But I certainly didn't expect it. I have looked around the pond but found nothing. I would think if they were laying, I would find eggs in their coop or pen on the days that I don't let them out but there's nothing to be found.

This just seems really weird coming from FOUR females.
I agree. Most of the things that I've read is that those breeds lay year round anywhere from 200-300 eggs per year. According to your location, I don't imagine they are lacking as much light as my birds are.
I would definitely look all around, maybe there is a hidden nest somewhere.

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