Egg Laying Question


5 Years
Oct 26, 2014
Bowling Green, KY
Is it possible for a hen to lay 3 eggs in one day?

We have 5 hens hatched on June 29th. Today is December 21st. These are our very first eggs. From the time we locked up the coop last night to letting them out this afternoon (we slept in late). They had laid 3 eggs! The picture distorts the size of the eggs, but all 3 look exactly the same, and are on the small side, so we don't know if one hen laid them all, or if it was a combined effort. I'm thinking that by the size they may belong to the Bantam, or the Cochin. I don't even know if their eggs would be comparable in size, but I know it's not a Welsummer egg, and I'm thinking that the Wyandotte, and Orpington may lay similar sized eggs, perhaps a little larger?

Anyhow... Is it possible that these 3 eggs came from one hen?

The 5 hens we have are as follow by breed:

• Welsummer
• Columbian Wyandotte
• Buff Orpington
• Blue/Black Cochin
• Bantam Rhode Island Red
Not likely. Unless you witness the fact of more than one egg from a single hen in a 24 hour period, you can assume that you have more than one laying. That being said, I did witness 2 rubber eggs and a normal egg from one BSL in a 24 hour period, earlier in her egg laying career last summer. I highly doubt that a single pullet will lay 3 normal eggs in a single day.
I wouldn't think three, no, but I have had one of my new pullets lay 2 a day for a few days during the week. She seems to have settled into a one a day routine now.
(I finally got ahold of my dad. He said it's possible, but very rare.)

Do the eggs normally start out small, and get bigger as the hen ages, or lays more?
Yes, the eggs are small at first and grow larger as the pullet grows larger. Some birds lay small eggs anyway, such as Cochins. Cochins can be HUGE birds, but lay tiny eggs.

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