Egg laying with young ducks


5 Years
Jan 17, 2019
My question is: About how long after first laying eggs does a duck become "regular" in terms of laying and size? Here's a little history on my ducks...

My 5 ducks started laying eggs earlier than I expected. I found a nest with 10 eggs when they were between 16 and 17 weeks old. I had one jumbo, a few mediums, and several peewees. The jumbo turned out to be a double! Since then, one girl lays the biggest egg, 3 gals lay eggs about the same size, and one gal lays one a little smaller than the 3. Over time the peewees became mediums and these days I get one biggest one at 57g, 3 just under 50 g (usually 46-49g) and the smallest is low 40s. My ducks are currently between 23-24 weeks. I got 5 eggs about 3 days in a row last week but that reduced down to 4 and now I've only gotten 2 or 3 eggs the last several days from the gals.

Just wondering about this egg laying and mature-duck thing. Can I expect the eggs to average out to a bit bigger size? How long before they are laying "regular"? Just wondering! I know it hasn't been long since they started. I read a lot about ducks but this is my first time having my own.

Thanks in advance!
My ducks' eggs were a larger and more consistent size their second summer laying.

Thanks for the reply!

Did yours lay at all through winter or totally stop? Or just reduced laying? I'm sure a lot of this depends on the individual duck and breed.
Oh nice. I think you may have harsher winters than where I am (though this past winter was unseasonably cold and snowy starting in Feb so what do I know). Mine were shipped as day olds March 19 and started laying in July so they will be a little older than yours were for their first winter.
Now I get to wait and see!

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