Egg on poop board


Apr 3, 2022
Northeast Florida
I went out to clean my coop this morning, as usual, and I found an egg on the poop board. More specifically, the inside of an egg. I didn’t find a shell. The roosting bar is about 2 feet down. I can’t tell if it was a shell less egg, or it was smashed on the poop board. But, like I said I didn’t find a shell, just the liquid and the yolk. Is this common? Thanks
Likely a shell-less. I have had 2 like this in my 2 years of chicken keeping. It happens especially with new layers or molting chickens. I would just watch and make sure everyone is acting ok. Offer oyster shell/calcium in the side if you dont already
I also have two that are due to start laying any day now….so, I don’t know who it could have been…lol

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