Egg positioning in lockdown

hey, just wondering what is the best position to lay the eggs in at lockdown? I have already decided to lay them on their side but wondering if I should position them in a clutch or as far apart as possible? Thanks
I lay mine a little close because I like it if one chick is hatching and chirping the others will hear her if you would like you can join my hatch a long and ask there I’m sure some one can help you. It is called may hatch a long
I have always spaced them out as much as I could so that they have space to get out of the egg without bumping into anyone else. I also make sure the fat end of the egg is facing away from the walls, once again to make sure the chick can easily exit the shell without the top of the shell getting stuck against the wall when it hinges open. My birds have always be SUPER loud in the incubator. I can hear them chirping from across the room. So any other chicks still in their eggs can also hear the chirping for sure. And the babies have no problem running around and stomping on/rolling the unhatched eggs. So the chicks who are slower to hatch feel that movement as well.
I put them in a large flat egg carton with point down. That way when one hatches, it does not knock the other eggs around. And keeps the chicks in the right position for pipping.
Initially I put mine in nice and tidy with the low side of the air cell facing upwards and all of them nice and close together so they can chat and pip together.......... and then all HECK breaks loose and the chicks stagger around in the bator, rearranging my nice neat tidy arrangement and play soccer with the remaining eggs, who then hatch to join the party. :wee:jumpy
In other words, they will hatch no matter how you put them in. Just remember the 'rules': nice high humidity, try not to intervene or interfere unless absolutely necessary, temp 98 - 100 degs. Good luck!!:fl

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