Egg problem


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Argos, IN
Ok I need to know what is up with this chicken. Usually when she gets done with her egg cycle she lays a small egg with no yolk, then skips a day and starts her egg laying again. Well I have noticed ever since her best friend got killed by a coon, she has layed only small eggs. Is there something else wrong or is she still dealing with this and her eggs are showing it? I know some of you think I am weird but they were the only two of the same kind, they have always been together, they were best friends and always stuck up for each other. its only been like a week since the horrible morning. Any clue? They get the same feed they always do, oyster shell, scratch grains, greens from the garden. Their diets havent changed at all in like a year. She is a year old. Any clues?
She may well be still dealing with the stress. Do you know if she witnessed the attack? I had 2 girls nearly get nailed by a hawk and they were definitely PTSD for about a month, even though thankfully they were not injured. Do you have other chickens for her to be buddies with? You might also want to spend time giving her some extra TLC.
I had 10 chickens and yes the other 9 witnessed it. She seemed worse than the rest. She has other buddies but its not the same..I had two of 5 different they each have their same breed buddy. Today she didnt lay at all. I am leaving for a week so when I get back we will see how she is doing. I will ask the lady caring for them if she got any little eggs. They are all stressed a bit because they arent laying their usual quantity.
I would say you're lucky she's laying anything and it's only been a week. Last year I had a flock of 5 hens - 1 got killed by a racoon one night, and then the other 3 got killed two nights later. I was devestated when I went out one morning and found my lone survivor huddled up on the roost all by herself and clucking like a crazy person would chatter to themselves. Kalea, my survivor, wasn't the lead hen, nor was she last in the pecking order. She was in the middle and she watched everyone else get killed.

That day my husband built her her very own coop of pallets & chickenwire, which I furnished with a nest box, roosting bar, food & water and she spent the next four months living in my garage in her custom coop all by herself.

It took her about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks before she started laying - but once she started again it was consistent, her eggs were large and she seemed quite happy. Since the sides of her make-shift coop were chickenwire I think she really enjoyed the company of us humans, the dog and the cat visiting her all summer. She became very friendly and was content with us as companions, so I would think if yours has chicken companions that she'll recover and start laying normally.

I still think mine has chicken nightmares about the masacre she witnessed, but now she has younger sisters (which are a different breed so I was worried she wouldn't like them since they were "different") but she seems to have adapted well. Just give her some time.
Update: My girl still has not layed a large egg. She is very mean to the kittens who she used to love coming in and visiting. My chickens are used to the dog and kittens being around them but the other day one of the kittens went in to say hi. The kitten wasnt even near her or going to her but she ran as fast as she could and just started pecking the poor kitten. She is very mean to the other chickens too if they get in her way. She obviously is going through the grief still. I did spend some time with her yesterday and love on her. Hope that helps some.
Now that you mention it it was the striped one. So that would make sence, same stripes as a coon. I still think she is in an anger stage of grief though. I could test her out by throwing in the grey one lol but If she does attack I dont want that kitten to hate me even more!

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