Egg quality during winter


Jul 8, 2020
I'm in the U.S. northeast (temperature has been about 30s and 40s). Yesterday, I went to a local farm to pick up some fertile eggs, and candled them when I got home. Everything looked fine, but since they were cold to the touch, I waited a day and kept the eggs in room temperature before setting them.

Today, when candling right before setting, most of the eggs developed pretty large pores which I know is not ideal for hatching. I didn't have this problem during the summer (where I also left them out in room temp 24hours before setting). This is the second time during the cold weather that the eggs developed pores over night.

Wondering if this is a common issue, and if hatch rates in general are low during the winter???

Also, while I'm here - I usually turn eggs same day I set them, but I've been reading you should wait until after 24 hours to begin turning. Any thoughts on this?

i never had any problems with cold eggs as long as they didnt freeze, and turning times is a minimal factor in hatchrate .. they need to be turned .. 3 times a day minimum .. i turn mine even before setting while im collecting up a good batch, but i think key is to avoid jarring them, thats NOT good, at all ... but ultimately i think the biggest factor is going to be is the rooster doing his job good lol ... if theyre not your birds you dont really know that ..
The only thing I can imagine that would make the pores appear more prominent is that the cold makes the contents shrink.
It is best to turn eggs from the start, just like a hen does. That is because frequent turning the first couple weeks helps to develop the extra embryonic membranes (amnion, chorion, allantois) that feed the embryo.

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