egg question


15 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Just had our first eggs from our chicks...I guess now hens

All of the eggs were I'm assuming they are from my buff orpington and not the silkie....can anyone confirm that buffs have brown eggs and silkies have white eggs?


and my second egg question is:

since we didn't know anyone was laying (didn't expect it until mid/late november) there were 5 eggs. We didn't eat, because we didn't know how long they were out there. We do have a silkie rooster. When we cracked the eggs, the white dot looked more like a ring and some of the eggs had yolks that were partcially DARK orange color & partcially lighter yellow color...

do you think these eggs were fertilized?
The best info I can give you to answer your questions is where to find more information!!!

The bulls eye ring indicates fertile eggs. An excellent thread with photo's can be found here. Speckledhen gives wonderful info.

Then one of the best places I've found for what bird lays what kind/color/size eggs is Henderson's Breed chart. It can be found here;

I hope this helps you figure out everything you need!!!!!

Good luck!

WOW...go PONG (our silkie roo) apparently he got his groove on with Buffy (our buff orpington) because those eggs for sure looked fertile and they were for sure big brown eggs.

WOW...I'm now really curious how a little teensy silkie can get serious with a giant orpington...doesn't make sense how it would work out???
oohhh i bet those will be fun little chicks... had anyone got pictures of this cross??? if not, i'd love to see pics once they hatch and start growing up...
Watch carefully the next time you notice your chickens mating, it's really an impressive bit of mutual coordination. They just have to make their cloacas touch just for an instant (it's actually called a cloacal kiss) in order to complete the transaction. As long as your little roo can balance on top of the hen & bend his back parts down to meet hers they're in business.
I'm guessing they are gett'n crazy & mak'n love in their cozy coop...because this morning Buffy came out with her back side all smashed down & wet/greasy looking...I thought it was because it is raining, but they were in the coop all night, so they should be dawned on me later this morning, that it appears to be a lov'n spot that was rubbed around...LOL

We aren't hatching chicks at this time...but maybe in spring I'll give it a whirl...
lol.. i'd love to hatch some of those just to see what the cross will come out like...
i have to get the boys ready for school right now... but i'll PM you when i get back to talk details.. lol...

i said i wasn't hatching anything else till spring... hhmmmm noone heard me say that right???

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