Egg shell vs Oyster shell

For those of you offering oyster shell, do you offer it in a separate feeder? And for those using egg shells, do it mix it in with the feed or offer it separately?

I have been doing oyster shell in a separate small feeder, which is not mounted, so I feel like I am constantly dumping it on the ground to clean it out. I know the obvious solution is to hang or mount the feeder, but I have not found a good location. I am concerned about mixing it straight into the feed due to adding to much calcium to the diet if they don't need. Thought I might switch to egg shell, but didn't know if it needed to be separate as well or mixed into the feed?

Trivial matter, but, since we are on the subject...
Thanks! Incredible ideas and information! I am starting to sketch up feeding and watering table ideas. Not to mention the poop hammock.

Thanks again!
I put oyster shell out in 3 places: an empty tuna can nailed to the wall in the main coop, tossed onto the ground in a sort of alcove next to the fish ponds, and in a small galvanized container (looks like a tiny washtub) in the front yard.

I have a laying duck, who doesn't go into the coop. And all the birds range freely on the property.

I also sell most of my eggs...
When I feed oyster shell I just scatter it on the ground. They eat what they want. If you mix either oyster or egg shells in the feed, I don't think you're going to "overcalcium" them. They're pretty good about picking through the feed to get the tasty bits out, and will leave what they don't want or need.
I include the crushed egg into the goodie bucket that goes out - it mostly gets sprinkled on the ground - they can eat if they want -or it will be raked up into the compost pile for the garden later

I offer oyster shell - once in a while if i notice shells seem a bit thin - i sprinkle a handful of scratch in the oyster shell bowl - not sure if all my girls know that it is there for that yet - and the shells will be a bit stronger shortly then.
I put the oystershell in a rabbit feeder. I nailed a piece of hardware cloth between the studs in the coop to hang it from, but it doesn't matter if it gets wet so you could just as easily hang in on the inside of the run.

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