Egg size and food


8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Snohomish County, WA
Interesting phenomenon at my house. Had ducks on inexpensive food. Egg size dropped about 25 percent. Stayed that way for month I had the feed. This month went back to the Flockraiser. Eggs are back to normal size. Can't say for sure there is a direct correlation, but heck of a coincidence.
Interesting phenomenon at my house. Had ducks on inexpensive food. Egg size dropped about 25 percent. Stayed that way for month I had the feed. This month went back to the Flockraiser. Eggs are back to normal size. Can't say for sure there is a direct correlation, but heck of a coincidence.
Good to hear about FR, back in Dec. I thought i should put my ducks/chickens /goose on Organic feed. Went and spent a fortune too mind you, Well not only was their a difference in shell size but the feed was very dusty and my flock didn't like it either. So I am now back on FR for the past 3 months and everything is back to normal except I went from pellets to crumble and they all like it better. I started on FR 9 years ago and think I'll just keep everyone on it. The price of feed has gone up so much it made me feel terrible when i spent all the money on Organic and then they wouldn't even eat it.
I ended up mixing it in with the FR and they did eat most of it that way.

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