egg-splosions now what??


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
so i had a broody hen, one egg hatched and she got all wrapped up in raising her chick and forgot about the others left in the box. now, i have taken the rest in an incubator inside and to my disgust one exploded shooting the shell off it and slowly having the rotten goo seep from the rubbery interior shell. should i assume that the other are dead too?? i dont want to kill any that are living but that smell was horrible and i cant get the stench out of my house!!
I don't know what you should do as I have always caught my leakers and bad eggs before they went off. If it were me and I could reasonably clean up the incubator and wipe most of the goo off the other eggs. I would candle and, if I see movement or think they are viable, then continue on with the incubation. Preferably with several closed doors and open windows between me and it.
Sometimes when you pick them up you can feel movement when they are nearing hatch. I have in several of mine. Also, You might be able to see if they have broken through to the internal airsack. I did in a couple of mine and I'm a horrible candler. Today I candled one of mine and I could see things swishing through liquid and I knew it wasn't suppose to do that as close to lockdown as mine are.
There are also people that do a water test on their eggs. I've never done it and couldn't tell you how to do it or if even you should if your other eggs are gooped. Hopefully someone will be along with that answer.
its almost full, but you can still see some movement
especially the beak near the air sac
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