Egg storage

How washed is washed?

My idea of washed is a quick rinse under the faucet to remove any possible lower field that sometimes gets stuck on the egg. Will that remove protective coating?
I just saw this! Holy cow those things are $$$ online!
We don't have TSC here.. But Big R has the foams for 0.39 each I think. They must buy them by the bajillion lol
What are your thoughts on foam vs cardboard? Which lasts longer for reuse?

From an environmental standpoint, cardboard is better. As to buying, I don't. I make people give me their cartons...especially if they want eggs from me! ;-) Going on a year now and 200 dozen eggs, I've yet to purchase a container. heh

I do the same thing at GentFarmer does, however, I'm starting to run low, and may need to buy some at TSC soon, though my customers will be charged for the carton, if it comes to that.
I guess foam would last longer, but I prefer cardboard: recycle-able or
That is all my same thinking... the only thing is we haven't sold any eggs yet, just gave a few here and there. I am new to all this. But now that we aren't providing eggs for my mom, and I have seen how many eggs we produce compared to eat... yeah, I think we will sell to friends. I was thinking 1.50 a dozen, but you must give me more than 1 carton at the same time for a bit, to build up my carton stores... Then you can have me refill your carton. I refuse to give away those cartons I have numbered, until the carton is beat up enough to be of no serviceable storage use. i don't want to make tons of money, just a bit from the spare eggs, and pay for some of their feed.

Not telling you what to charge, but $2 a dozen is my min. The money from eggs pays for the feed, and any little things I need to purchase for them. No actual profit made. My price is about to increase though, because now I have chicks, who are not yet old enough to earn their keep with eggs.

Eggs labeled "organic" or "cage-free" at the store are generally between $2.50 - $4.50 here in GA, depending on the brand. Just be sure you think about it before you decide on a price, because it's difficult to raise it when you need to.
Not telling you what to charge, but $2 a dozen is my min. The money from eggs pays for the feed, and any little things I need to purchase for them. No actual profit made. My price is about to increase though, because now I have chicks, who are not yet old enough to earn their keep with eggs.

Eggs labeled "organic" or "cage-free" at the store are generally between $2.50 - $4.50 here in GA, depending on the brand. Just be sure you think about it before you decide on a price, because it's difficult to raise it when you need to.
I hear you. So far the chickens are just a food making pet for me. We can easily afford to feed them without people buying our eggs. I just figured that selling some here and there would be good. But I don't want to get big in selling. Just the random leftover dozens we have to acquaintances.
Though having the bit extra would be good, then when prices of feed and such go up, we have a chicken massacre, gods forbid, etc, then we are a bit more covered.
I think here people post them on Craigslist for... holy crud, I just looked... special ones- Maran, EE/Araucana colored types are 4-5/dozen!! Non-special plain browns are $3, organics are $3-5... goodnight, maybe I do need to make a different price.
Our eggs aren't truly organic, though their feed is organic and GMO free, they do eat human foods that I don't know the status of. But still happier chickens than store eggs! We get brown, with the few green and blue ones.
Hmm... back to the drawing board on this one... :)
I hear you. So far the chickens are just a food making pet for me. We can easily afford to feed them without people buying our eggs. I just figured that selling some here and there would be good. But I don't want to get big in selling. Just the random leftover dozens we have to acquaintances.
Though having the bit extra would be good, then when prices of feed and such go up, we have a chicken massacre, gods forbid, etc, then we are a bit more covered.
I think here people post them on Craigslist for... holy crud, I just looked... special ones- Maran, EE/Araucana colored types are 4-5/dozen!! Non-special plain browns are $3, organics are $3-5... goodnight, maybe I do need to make a different price.
Our eggs aren't truly organic, though their feed is organic and GMO free, they do eat human foods that I don't know the status of. But still happier chickens than store eggs! We get brown, with the few green and blue ones.
Hmm... back to the drawing board on this one... :)

Awesome! Sounds like you've got all your bases covered.

Some of those eggs on CL might be hatching eggs, which is why they are so expensive. But then I know 2 other people who sell eggs. One person sells for $4 a doz, another sells for $2.50.

I sell about 8doz a week, and keep 1-2doz for myself. I have 1 customer that absolutely insisted I was not charging enough for my eggs at $2/doz. She pays me $2/doz, and buys about 4 dozen a month. I keep telling her it's not necessary, but she insists I need to may money to support my hobby
I wish all my customers were like that!
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