Egg-Sucking Dog Caught In The Act! Grrrr!

Hot sauce may not work....I have a Great Dane who has been eating my back porch for several months now. He only does it when I am gone, so catching him in the act was not happening. So I decided to put hot sauce that my DH made from peppers we grew that no one has been able to eat because they are so hot. Well, it was a nice condiment for my Dane and he even liked eating the peppers.

I still have not found anything that he does not like the taste of to stop him.
I lucked out when a friend had an egg stealing dog. She wondered why her hens weren't laying. So she gave them to me and she started another batch of chickens. I got lots of eggs from her nonlayers, though. Quite by accident one day she caught a glimpse of her dobie exiting the hen house through the chicken door. Explained why she wasn't getting any eggs from the new chickens either.
Dogs may like hot sauce, but if you get an oil with the extracted capsasin in it that will work. I don't know where you might find it but you can make your own by getting some hot hot hot peppers, like scotch bonnet peppers or some Thai chillies.

chop roughly and put in about a cup of veggie oil, simmer slowly for 30 mins and leave to cool completely. You can strain it or blend it in the blender then strain, paint this on heavily where your dogs might chew, or you can fill an egg with it. I have yet to meet a dog that will go for that twice.
Yup yup yup!! My black lab mix loves eggs although he rarely goes into the coop itself. But if I collect them and leave them in an accessible place while I do barn chores they're fair game. Is there any way you can limit his access to the laying area?
my dog loves hot sauce and will beg for me and my dad's favorite home made salsa made with haberneros (spelling sorry).

The oil on the other hand... I never thought of that. I would just use a training coller with a hand held button. Dog goes towards the hen house hit the button and the electric shock will take it to its knees.
Our dogs will take eggs out of the collection basket if I put it down and turn my back. They can't get into the chicken coop, as the door is too small. I would not tie a dog up all day ever. I would just resize the chicken door. Add side or top pieces to keep the dog out. Easy fix with some plywood or 2x4. All you need is a door large enough for a 7lb chicken....The dog can still stick his head in- but nothing else. If you want to booby trap some eggs, try something from a pet store that dogs are not supposed to like/lick like bitter apple spray for bandages. Or bitter orange lotion (really awful tasting- I tried it once on a dare).

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