Egg too big for egg rack - Pic

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

Fluffy Feather Farm
12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Texas, Panhandle
I just went to one of the coops and my Golden Buff hen had just layed an egg, it was HUGE!!! My EE Julia had just layed a small green egg, and Coral, my Blue Andalusian had layed an egg this morning so... I brought them all in to see if the large egg would fit in my chicken egg rack for my 1588 Genesis Hova-Bator but it wouldn't really fit- pictures.



Can it still be turned in the egg rack or not? Thanks~
I think it will still turn - not positive but think it will.

If it is a double yolker you will need to watch it very carefully. Most develop well, but do not make it after day 18 or so. I incubated one, and sadly it (they cause there are two chicks in there) did not make it to hatch.

Her usual sized egg - wow - is that poor girl bow-legged?
I candled it .. it could possible be be a double yolker but I couldn't really tell!

I went ahead and put all three of the chicken eggs in there..I also put 3 more button eggs in there....

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