Egg yolk color Experiment


Jan 29, 2019
South Louisiana
After a year of posting on this site and reading every article I could on chicken rearing, I have finally acquired my first two hens. Given to me by a friend who is moving.
They came to me exactly one week ago today with a 50lb bag of dumor layer crumble. The very next morning I got my first 2 eggs. I was thrilled and then quickly dissapointed by the mediocre pale yellow yolks. I have been purchasing free range organic eggs at the grocery store so I was already used to a much darker yolk.
To backyard chickens I went and found lots of great explanations and not a whole lot of pictures lol.
So I decided to document my progress in enhancing the yolk color my girls produce.

I've made a few simple changes to their diet. I won't buy new feed until I've gone through the majority of this 50 lb bag, but I did immediately begin fermenting the feed before giving it to them. I've also added a small pinch of cayenne to their meal every day.
I have been allowing them to "free range" in the evenings in my suburban back yard. I'm in southern Louisiana so I have to mow grass most of the winter and we have an abundance of bugs and grubs all year.
As far as treats I've given them a few kitchen scraps, mostly greens, some carrot peels and some boiled crawfish shells. I would think all of these things have played a part in the change I have seen in their yolks.

Anyway, I haven't taken a picture of both eggs every day but at least one of them every day so I could see if there was any progress being made. After a week I think the result speak for themselves!
Very first egg
Most recent egg
And a collage of the progression


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I am going to say it is likely the cayenne....
I may have to experiment a bit myself. You got my curiosity up.
I agree. I'd say that plays the biggest part. Hard to narrow it down since I made several changes to their lifestyle at once. Also the carrot peels I've been feeding them are from my black nebula carrots from the garden they stain my hands and mouth purple every time I mess with them so their quite pigmented also lol.

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