Egg yolk color Experiment

My question is do you notice a change in flavor with the color? Our eggs here in VA are a deep rich orange to amber depending on the season and which bugs and seeds are available.
Im a native Marylander so we cook with Old Bay seasoning ALOT. Maybe I'll try seasoning the eggs before they are layed.😄

Unfortunately I ate all of the paler eggs so I can't do a side by side blind taste test. I CAN however say that I eat with my eyes first and these darker yolks are certainly appealing. Although one friend called them "borderline alarming" lol. A couple of them have been a little radioactive looking. They make a really exceptional yellow cake.
While the cayenne pepper is also changing your yolk color do not disregard the crawfish shells also having an effect.

That had crossed my mind too. When I was a kid my grandparent's neighbor had ducks and chickens. He always asked us to give our crawfish peels to them and they absolutely loved it. Can't recall how their eggs looked though.
My question is do you notice a change in flavor with the color? Our eggs here in VA are a deep rich orange to amber depending on the season and which bugs and seeds are available.
Im a native Marylander so we cook with Old Bay seasoning ALOT. Maybe I'll try seasoning the eggs before they are layed.😄

Also we use Tony's Chachere's here instead of old bay. My two year old won't eat anything that isn't seasoned :lau
No bland food in this house.
How does it change the taste? Spicy? Bold? (Does it give you more gas?). Sorry, had to ask... :lau I won’t give them to my hubby if it does!!!
Lol I can say they at least don't taste fishy. They taste similar to the organic free range eggs I was buying at the grocery store but you can absolutely tell they are nice and fresh. No increased gas to date lol. I hard-boiled some last night so I'm curious to see how the color holds up to that. I'll snap a pic when I get around to peeling one.

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