Egg Yolk for babies??

Doll Maker

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
NW Arkansas
I've seen a lot about giving the little chicks hard boiled chopped egg yolk for protein. Is there some reason you don't chop the whole hard boiled egg for them? The white actually has a bit more protein than the yolk does. The yolk does have more fat in it.
I boiled an egg for my little ones today and they had half a yolk with some oatmeal and boy did they love that!
Just wondering about the white..of course the Corgis are glad to have that if the babies shouldn't have it, LOL
Inquiring minds want to know.
Oh good!! The Corgi Kids won't be thrilled but I sure am! I have half the yolk I did today for them tomorrow and then I'll boil and chop the whole egg next time.
Kaye girls are big now (6 months). My poor dogs get many less treats now than pre-chickens, because my first thought now is to save choice scrap bits for my girls
But I figure my girls are contributing a little more than my dogs at the moment...
I chop up both the egg white and yolk.(Just had to do that for some baby button quail)
I havent heard anything about just using the yolk?
LOL, Same here. The Corgi kids don't like it much either.
I see you are a spay/neuter advocate..good for you!! Both my boys are neutered, wouldn't have it any other way.
Of course you have to give them the whole (chopped up) egg, white and yolk. It's kinda hard for them to play keepaway with the yolk. Works much better with the pieces of white.
tammyd57, I love your avatar! I want one of those to add to my flock . . .

Oh, I guess I should contribute something on topic.
You should give the babies the whites just so they don't grow into the spoiled brat chickens I have. They pick out the yolk and leave the whites. I guess they're too good for it.
My dogs are perfectly happy with that arrangement . . . they move in when the chickens are done.
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