Egg yolk peritonitis?


Mar 22, 2021
I unfortunately had one of hens pass away last night. :-/ She just turned 3 and was a barred rock. She has been very active and eating, she had a droopy butt. She looked like she had a full diaper. I inspected her and she seemed normal just a droopy butt. I gave her an Epsom bath (last weekend) to see if maybe she had something going on even though she was acting normal. She has had a few cases of egg bound in the past.

Anyway last night when checking them before the coop closed up for the night I found her on the floor of the coop gurgling and gasping for air. Her comb and face was turning purple. I quickly inspected her and didn't see anything wrapped around her tongue, I gently massaged her crop thinking maybe she had something stuck, nothing helped and things quickly went south fast. I removed her from the inside of the coop to the outside so I could see her better during all this. She passed away. She also was drooling yellow liquid.

This morning I went out to check on the girls and give them breakfast. I noticed in the area my hen was standing last night there was a ton of egg yolk and a undeveloped shell. I'm assuming it's from her and I just didn't notice in the panic of trying to help her breathe.

I'm certain it wasn't sour crop -- I've experienced and healed this once.

Do you think it was Egg yolk peritonitis? Does this cause chickens to essentially choke?

I feel bad for her passing.
She will be missed.
Rip laney lou.

Thanks everyone. Also please don't scold me, I don't think lightly about any of this.
She had some sort of reproductive disorder with the broken egg. Could she have been egg bound for awhile? If you still have her body, and could do a home necropsy to open the abdomen and look at her organs that might help. Look for yellow liquid when you open the abdomen, which is a sign of ascites. Take pictures of organs and post them here. Sorry for your loss.
She had some sort of reproductive disorder with the broken egg. Could she have been egg bound for awhile? If you still have her body, and could do a home necropsy to open the abdomen and look at her organs that might help. Look for yellow liquid when you open the abdomen, which is a sign of ascites. Take pictures of organs and post them here. Sorry for your loss.
I may do that, I am a little hesitant since I don't have any experience with that. I have processed chickens just never anything of that sort. I still have her body, I plan on burying her, but our ground is very frozen still.

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