

Chicken TV Addict
11 Years
Oct 16, 2008
Colorado Baby!
Well one of the black sex links was checking out the nesting box today, and then was checking out some other places, even went and crawled up under one of my parts cars and was hanging out under there.

Went back with a flashlight an hour later to see if she laid an egg, no dice, decided to check the nesting box in the coop and sure enough, one tiny, oddly shaped egg!

First egg of the new chickens!
It looks like 3 others are very close behind, at this rate it will only be a couple of days before I have breakfast!


Wow! Either you have very small hands, or that is a very respectable sized egg for a first effort! Either way, congrats!! Be sure to boil up a potato the night before so you can have fresh hash browns to go with those yummy first eggs!!
well, I got another egg today!

I didn't get one yesterday, though it seemed like she was hanging out under one of the cars like she was nesting, and I'm pretty sure I heard the egg song at one point yesterday.....wondering if she is already playing hide the egg with me.

Well today I noticed she was doing the same thing, hanging out under the car like she wanted to lay. So I picked her up and put her in the nest box, she kinda scratched around and then got out and tried to get under the car again, so I picked her up, put her back in the nest box again, which she started checking out again. I decided this time to lock her in for a little while so if she wanted to lay she would be forced to use the nesting box, for awhile she was distressed and trying to get out, before kinda giving up and going back to the nesting box. I left her there for a half hour or so, and came back. Sure enough she was itchin to get out, and had laid an egg.


Now I just gotta make sure to encourage her to lay in the nesting box, I hate playing "hide the egg" with chickens, they always find the craziest places to lay! And when you stop finding eggs one place a few days later you find a huge trove of them somewhere else!
Oh, I've sooooo been there, done that! Our sneaky little wenches had managed to hide 28 eggs behind the wood pile one summer. They got away with it for the longest time, because not everyone was hiding them every day in the same place. They must have been tucking them away for some time for me not to notice the numbers were off by that much! Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky little birds! Not sure what their plan was without a roo!

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