Eggbound? Or just broody?

chicken boy sam

10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
My Golden cornish EE cross has been sitting in the nesting box for about a day now. We have taken her off and she gets right back in. There are no eggs in there, although the day before she started, she laid an egg. She never has given us a double yolker before and is actually a very good olive green egg layer. Oh, normally she is very alert and would peck you anytime, but now she just sits in the nesting box and doesn't even attempt to peck you. If she does have eggboundness, what should I do? This week is very hectic because just recently, my favorite bird got sour crop. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chicken Boy Sam
She sounds broody. Have you noticed any really large stinky poos (like small/medium dog size) in the run? I had three hens sitting on nothing but shavings earlier this year and one of them was an EE. My other EE hatched out a clutch of seven, cared for them for five weeks, layed for two weeks, and is now broody again so EE's in my experience can be VERY broody girls.
oh...well that's nice to know that she isn't eggbound. how do you stop them from being broody? We've pulled her off multiple with no luck. She just jumps right back up. I don't think I've seen any large stinky poos in their run, but I'll check.

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