Egglaying after or during motherhood?


Aug 28, 2019
How long does it take after a broody hatch for the mother to start laying again? Do they raise the chicks first??
It depends on the hen, but *generally* a hen will molt after hatching her chicks, care and brood the chicks, then pledge them at about 4 to 6 weeks. Somewhere in that time frame, usually about 6 weeks or so, she may begin to lay again.

Some take longer (sometimes 4 months or so) some a little shorter, but usually they stop laying for at least 3 weeks after hatch.

Thank you so much. Literally all but 2 of my hens went broody on me. Thank goodness I have friends with chickens. I would had been mad if I had to buy store eggs. 😆
5 hens
9 babies
They are coparenting.
However, one momma had to be removed. She tried to take over and the rest wouldn't have it. She was attacked... I gave her a chick when I took her though.
Worst part it's I totally did not expect it and hatched 14 right before it happened. I sold some so now in total I have 21 chickens.. Out of all of the chicks only 2 have been roosters so I can't complain.. My luck 18 chickens will go broody next year.. :/

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