JoJo 95

10 Years
Mar 15, 2009
I have two hens that are real sweethearts. They come when i go in the run. They let me hold them. I got them three days ago. the only problem is that they spend most of their time on the nest and they dont like me near the nest. I think they are broody but they have no eggs.
They don't have to have eggs to be broody. My daughters little Silkie is currently sitting on poo balls from her coop.

Try giving them some eggs to sit on! My DH absolutely loves watching the mama hens with their babies! As a matter of fact, when it comes to taking care of the chickens, he doesn't want anything to do with them (he does build coops for me!) except for the mamas and babies! He locks them in and lets them out every day he is home because the whole mama/baby thing is just so precious!
Can you get some fertile eggs to place under her? It will reward her for being a good mother hen to hatch out a few chicks....even one, it doesn't matter if it's her own.

I hate to break a good broody by tossing them out, but it can be done for their best intrests. It takes a mighty toll on them to sit there for nothing.
I would like to have them set. Would I have to break one of them up or could i let both set?

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