Eggs currently hatching help needed

I hatch using broody hens, have never used a brooder, but I have had to help a chick who was a late hatcher, as the mom went off with the already hatched chicks. We will get through this
it's still early, but let me try to get the resident hatching expert over here as soon as we can.
@Kiki can you help with a hatching issue, please.
I just done as you said and popped back in and will monitor. Thanks for your help i will keep you updated.
The chick beak it not at that part of membrane it is further down i can see it trying to peck through but it hasn't at this stage - do I just leave to break its own way through?
Thanks, i hope i was some help. You may be getting a post from Kiki, she is very good at helping people with these issues
In my experience I’ve had to assist ones like that like others described. First time I didn’t and it didn’t make it, second time I believe I waited too long to assist. I’ve only had this issue maybe 4-5 between all the chicks and guineas I’ve hatched. It’s like once they make that external pip and air can get in it’d they don’t get out on their own it time the membrane vacuum seals to them and they get stuck.

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