Eggs currently hatching help needed

Nothing has changed.

Still cheeping away and trying to get out.

To be honest I have no idea at which point I should be looking to help it.

Any advice appreciated.
As Kiki said let the little fellow do his thing as long as he is trying to get out and not showing signs of trouble. The waiting is always the hard part. But I would not take anymore shell off at this time.
Should I be keep opening bator and keeping the exposed membrane on that particular chick moist or just let the humidity do that?
The humidity should keep the membrane moist, I think it's best to keep the bator closed while hatching, unless a chick starts to shrink wrap. opening the bator too much will let the humidity lower and you don't want that

It appears the chick has a small hole in the main membrane now.

Isn't sticking beak right out of hole by any means but assume this is a positive sign and just a waiting game?
Absolutely. The chicks sounds strong. Leave it alone!

I've had a few chicks pip in the middle like that. Seems almost unintentional. Some of them zipped and hatched just like that. Others continued to move into place and repip at the proper place. Then hatch out normally. I think that's what your chick did.

I would count this new, second, hole as the external pip. Do not interfere or "assist" at this time. It's using this time, up to a full 24 hours, to rest, absorbing it's yolk AND absorb it's blood from the membrane vessels. I think this is where newbies get into trouble. People assume it's pipped and that means it's ready to hatch. Not so. Every single hour that chick is in the egg something is happening.
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I'll should have added this to my other post. You've taken a lot of she'll from this egg. I have no idea if it can still hatch on it's own or you'll need to do a full assist. But the proper move right now is giving it more time.

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