Eggs currently hatching help needed

It has now put a decent size hole in the membrane and is still just sitting chilling. Membrane does look a bit dry, what would any recommend at this stage just leave be?

Yup, hands off still. When they chatter/chew like the last second in your video that means they're still absorbing. There's a few videos on this. I'll try to find a good on it. Your chick does not look distressed to me. But you're the one there in person who will be assisting. You'll have to go with your gut to some degree. You'll know when it's ready to hatch because it'll get consistently really loud, you won't see hardly any blood in the membrane, and you'll see it trying to move/zip. It's not even close to 24 hours after the second pip.
I wasn't able to find the video quickly. I'll still look for it this event but the may be too late to be helpful. Look up "yawning chick" or "chewing chick" posts in this section and you'll find lots of input on what it means.

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