Eggs currently hatching help needed

Glad things are going well, it is so easy to become anxious when you can see the chick trying to hatch, it's kind of like watching water boil! Try to relax, the chick may take rests while it is hatching, remember it's hard work to hatch. Try to be patient. So far you are doing a good job, just let the chick do its job first, before you jump in and assist.
Thanks so much everyone for your help it came out healthy and doing well
Fantastic news! It's hard when things don't go exactly as planned. But you asked for help when needed and were also patient when required. Both skills that will serve you well in your hatching. Great job!
I would like to know what your humidity is? It appears from the original picture it may be a bit low. If it's under 70% I would raise it some. The chicks need the humidity so they can turn to pip and zip and not get stuck. Good luck and have fun...
What a beautiful little chick :love
I am proud to be of whatever small amount of help I contributed .:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
I knew you could do it, even told you we would get thru this. And you did :hugs

You helped me a lot as I followed your exact guidance. Thank you so much for that I can't understate it.

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